We all have those dreams that we sometimes keep close to our hearts, unwilling to share with the people we are closest to in fear of being laughed at. Maybe you wanted to be a popular author, but you really don’t do well in grammar, or maybe your dreams involved climbing the highest mountains in the world even though you are afraid of heights. We at Sandcastle Condominiums may not be able to help you accomplish either of those dreams (nor would we ridicule you for them), but if surfing is something you have often dreamed of accomplishing, you will be happy to know that the Port Aransas region is a great spot for beginning surfers, and this guide will help you get started on your new obsession.

Did You Know?

Chances are you may have thought that surfing was created in Hawaii, but although those islands were the cause of the sport’s rise in popularity, the earliest known reference to surfing can be found on cave carvings in Peru—carvings that date back over 5000 years, if you can believe that. The freedom associated with surfing is part of its popularity, offering a vibe that says hang loose, stay free, and be young forever. It is a sport that encourages all to join its ranks. Once known as the sport of kings because only royalty in Hawaii were allowed to experience its wonders, today over 23 million people from all over the world enjoy their obsession with the sport, and during your Port A getaway, you could quite possibly add to those numbers!

Getting Equipped for Your Surfer Life

Whether you have been surfing for years or are starting the sport for the first time, you won’t want to carry your board across the miles (unless you are really engaged with the sport, in that case, you can skip this part) and places like Island Surf Shop and Kayaks, 130 E Avenue G, and Board House, 509 N Allister Street are both excellent places to rent boards and other equipment, as well as garner some tips on where the best waves may be on any given day. If you are planning on taking lessons, Texas Surf Camp (see more info below) also offers board rentals, making it a one stop surf experience and allowing you to spend more time on the waves and less time driving to different shops.

Everyone Starts Somewhere

If you have never surfed before, Texas Surf Camps, located at 230 N On the Beach, will be where you will get your surfing start. Offering surf camps that will allow you to really explore the sport and individual surf lessons, this surf school has been introducing people to the joys of surfing for over 20 years and provides lessons for surfers of all experience levels, allowing visitors to touch up their skills, learn some new ones, and move on to more advanced levels of surfing magic.

Surfing in Port Aransas

Now that you are fully equipped, have had a few lessons under your belt, and are ready to venture out into the Gulf for some solo rides, the Port Aransas jetties are where you will want to head. Our entire surf community makes the jetties their home away from home, offering waves that are dependable and winds that are absolutely ideal for extending your rides longer. No, you won’t come close to any record breaking rides, such as the 3 hour and 57 minute long one pro surfer Gary Saavedra completed in 2011, but we can promise that a good time will still be had. Nor will you reach the maximum heights German surfer Sebastian Steudtner reached in 2020 (a whopping 86 foot in height), but the waves here will be respectable and challenging for newbies (or kooks as the surfing world calls them) and your adventures will be ones you never forget.

You’re a Surfer Now

Now that you have entered the irrepressible club of surfers, there are still a few facts you need to learn. Caring for your board after each ride is important, cleaning, removing old wax, and drying it to ensure that it can continue to work for you or others for years to come. But you also need to take care of yourself, drying your ears to avoid any infection, stretching to keep your muscles from being too sore, and eating a hearty meal, preferably one with lots of protein. And although you won’t find this next tip in any surfing manuals or classes, coming home to the comforts found in our Sandcastle Condominiums may be the most important tip of all. Relax on balconies overlooking the Gulf, watching the sun set the sky on fire as it falls into the sea, fixing a hearty meal to replenish your nutrients, and sleeping deeply in the softest beds in the state. Reserve your favorite escape today!