Bird Watching
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Bird Watching

Corpus Christi Pass

Farther south along Mustang Island toward Corpus Christi, you will cross several hurricane wash-over sites. These inlets or passes have been cut through the island by the scouring action of past tropical storms and are a relatively common phenomenon on coastal barrier islands. Corpus Christi Pass  slices across the island south of Mustang Island State Park and the bayside flats, here are the wintering haunts of such species as Piping Plover and Long-billed Curlew. Search the inlet waters for waterfowl (such as Hooded Merganser) and look for nesting Snowy Plover in late spring.


  • City: Corpus Christi
  • State: TX
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Fennessey Ranch

The Fennessey Ranch is part of a legendary 750,000 acre Texas land empire that has remained in the same family for 171 years.  The ranch consists of 4,000 acres of abundant wetlands, meadows, natural lakes, riparian woods and brush land and bordered on three sides by the Mission River. The Fennessey is located in the heart of the Central Flyway along a region of the Texas coastline known as the “Coastal Bend.”  The Fennessey has opened its gates for a wide array of unique recreational opportunities.


  • City: Bayside
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78340


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Handsome Sailor Yacht

Let Capt. Tom take you sailing! What could be better than basking in the sun while sailing on sparkling blue water, listening to reggae music, beach combing for shells, and enjoying a relaxing day on our catamaran? At Handsome Sailor Yacht Charters, we can take you sailing, dolphin-watching, birding, island-hopping, beachcombing, snorkeling...


  • Street: 6413, 508 Bigelow St.
  • City: Port Aransas
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78336


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Joan & Scott Holt Paradise Pond

Joan & Scott Holt Paradise Pond

Paradise Pond is a stop on the spring migratory route for smaller warblers and other songbirds, while many feathered friends call the pond home all year long. The wheelchair accessible boardwalk and 3 observation decks provide easy access to get "up close and personal" with the birds under a mantle of trees.


  • Street: 2621 TX-361
  • City: Port Aransas
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78373


  • Telephone: (361) 749-4158
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Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center

This birding facility attracts birds and birders alike. The boardwalk stretches nearly a mile over the shallow, brackish water and allows for close observation of many birds. From the observation platform look for waterfowl (Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Cinnamon Teal), grebes (Least included), heron and egrets, cormorants, shorebirds (such as Black-necked Stilit) and flaming pink Roseate Spoonbills, the Port Aransas city bird. The parking area and land along the boardwalk are planted in native species, so be alert for the landbirds during migration. Keep your eyes open for the resident American alligators Boots and Bags!


  • Street: Ross Ave.
  • City: Port Aransas
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78373
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Mustang Island State Park

At Mustang Island State Park, what you do is up to you. You can play at the beach (swim, surf, build a sand castle), camp, picnic, fish, hike, mountain bike, kayak, bird watch (especially during spring and fall migrations) and geocache.


  • Street: P. O. Box 326
  • City: Port Aransas
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78373


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Packery Channel Pass

From Port Aransas, a right at the intersection of SH 361 S and PR 22 takes you toward Corpus Christi. After a short distance turn right into Packery Channel County Park. The park offers another view of Packery Channel, and the birds normally associated with the "bocas" are present there. As you enter the park, however, notice the oak mottes to your right among the private houses. These woods attract landbirds in migration and birders from Corpus Christi consider this to be one of their most fruitful spots in spring. Walk along the public roads (do not trespass) and examine the trees for migrants. A number of rarities have been discovered here in the past, including Sulpher-bellied Flycatcher, Gray Kingbird and Black-whiskered Vireo.


  • Street: 14218 S Padre Island Dr
  • City: Corpus Christi
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78418


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Port Aransas Nature Preserve

The Port Aransas Nature Preserve encompasses 1,217 acres of undeveloped land in an area formaly know as Charlie's Pasture, where early island residents once grazed their cattle. Features at the Nature Preserve include over three miles of hike and bike trails, a pavilion, boardwalks over aigal flats crushed granite trails on the uplands, covered seating sites and two towers overlooking wetland areas around Salt Island. The natural area's extensive tidal flats provide feeding areas and important habitat for shorebirds and endangered and threatened species such as the piping plover. To keep the preserve unspoiled, certain environmental rules apply.


  • Street: 2621 TX-361
  • City: Port Aransas
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78373


  • Telephone: (361) 749-4158
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Utmsi Wetlands Educational Center

It is a marsh/seagrass pond landscaped and planted with various seagrasses and appropriate coastal vegetation nourished by water from the Aransas Pass Ship Channel. The public is invited to stroll the surrounding boardwalk to observe migratory waterfowl and resident marsh birds. Interior board walks with access limited to guided tour groups.


  • Street: 750 Channel View Dr.
  • City: Port Aransas
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78373


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Wetland Park

Built by Texas Department of Transportation and deeded to the City of Port Aransas, the SH 361 Wetland Park is about one-half mile south of Avenue G, across the street from the US Post Office. It, too, has a raised wheelchair-accessible boardwalk that leads to a gazebo overlooking the tidal flats, home to many water birds and cranes. In 2006 the Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine article named Port Aransas birding boardwalks #1 in Texas.


  • Street: TX-361
  • City: Port Aransas
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78373


  • Telephone: (361) 749-4111
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